Friday, April 30, 2010

Philosophy Bound In Education

We have an assignment in our philosophy class. We are required to research a philosopher that conduct a study or work with education. On the top of that I really love philosophy class, this is one of my favorite class and also I’m taking the most advantage when it comes to a philosopher but this time I need to find educator or more to tend like that way.

I used some search from internet and this is the result that had been given to me. “Each of us is meant to be a free spirit, just as each rose seed is meant to be a rose” Rudolf Steiner. He is known to be the founder of Waldorf Education from born out of a philosophy of freedom of living.

It also a religion based upon faith according to several Steiner lectures relate to child education. This is all that I need since he believes in his thoughts on the philosophy of Freedom thus the questions lives like this. “Why not make the freedom philosophy the main topic at parent’s night and school tours, isn’t the best public introduction to all children?”

Waldorf education is becoming one of the most popular educational programs that use in school and it well known to be called Waldorf School while most of these schools are private or home schools, it is becoming much more common place in the public school system as well. On the top of that the reason why it is so popular is because of the results that it produces in the children that are involved in the program based on others observation.

With this research I will project on the class how Rudolf Steiner comes to be the great part of every education around the world especially with Waldorf education. As of know I need to read lots of article about this philosopher so I can discuss it to the class, share his thoughts and philosophy and a very understanding way. Like Rudolf Steiner I want my class to learn from our lesson with a freedom on our self.

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